Every year, the first week of June, I receive call after call from property owners that want to protest the value set by the appraisal district because they feel their property taxes are too high, and every year I tell them that missed the opportunity to protest for this year, as the deadline was May 31st.
They had meant to call me sooner, but time got away, and now the window has closed for this year.
In the process they end up paying several hundreds and in some cases several thousand dollars in excess property taxes before the appeal process opens back up.
Here’s a simple solution that will save you big through the years.
Sign up with Property Tax Managers and let us perform an annual review.
Each year, from now on, we will check the Appraisal District’s valuation with the market values, comparable sales, and neighboring properties to insure your only paying your fair share and no more.
If we find that the assessed value of your property is too high, we handle the protest on your behalf. And the best news is that we work on a contingency basis, so there’s no cost – unless we save you money.
Visit us at http://www.PropertyTaxManagers.com or call me at 214-212-6910 to sign up NOW, before it’s too late.